My product makes use of conventions by having an athlete return from a run in crocs because their feet hurt. That was what I utilized to inject a bit of tension. Which may happen, and their solution would be to put on their crocs. The music and amusing viral vine sound effects help to interest the viewer. It would be published as a real media text on YouTube, where people of all ages would be able to read it, and it would also be advertised on Instagram and other social media platforms. Of course, the commercial will be available in stores. Because I didn't know how to edit when I started this project, my production skills improved. I picked up new words that helped me with my video, such as tracking, split screen, and all of the different angles. Not everything  went according to plan, trial and error played a significant role in the creation of this commercial. By using an editing app that made it easier to mix and edit my commercial, I combined technology — software, hardware, and the internet – into this project. The program I used allowed me to accomplish everything on my phone and provided me with a vast range of possibilities that I had no idea existed. This is also relevant to the words I employ.


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