Research blog
My group is doing a music video on the song "Don't" by Bryson Tiller. The genre of the song is r&b. In this song it talks about the person having a desire for them but seeing them being mistreated with the person that they are with.
- In the music video, the shot is mainly focused on Bryson (the artist) and he shows many emotions in his face and actions.
-There is also a "city" sense of scenery and it is a "vibe" type scene. A female appears in the video that he seems to be in the video that he adores.
-For the most part, he is venting out to himself in the music video and expressing how he feels about the situation through his actions and the way he moves around which is what my group and I can input into our music video.
Four music videos that compares to the "Don't" music video is Exchange by Bryson Tiller, Insecure by Jasmine Sullivan, Sorry not Sorry by Bryson Tiller & WFM by Realest K.
-All music videos have a wide range out styles and techniques that is put through out the film.
-Camera Angles/Movements that are mainly used in music videos are close ups, low angle, tilt, two shot, medium long shot, etc. In this music video there are a variety of shots that are taken. All 4 music videos have these in common as well.
-Editing in music videos include fade in and fade out , sometimes split screen, zoom, etc. In this music video there is jump cut editing and even fade in and out editing. In all 4 music videos there are jump cut editing scenes.
-The sound has bridge to it. Towards the end there is an instrumental that plays but for the most part I would consider it being an ambient sound. All 4 music videos have some type sound motif.
All settings eventually consists of them both in the shot and in a place that relates to the music playing in the background.
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